Sometimes your borrowing requirements just don’t fit in the box. Banks, Trust Companies and other traditional lenders are often limited by strict lending criteria mandated by the government, their investors, or others.

For many with unique borrowing requirements, an “out of the box” approach is required. Alberta Mortgages has a large network of Private and Non-Traditional Lenders that can tailor a solution to meet your own specific needs. The interest rates for these loans generally relate to the type of property you are providing for security, and the amount of equity ( property’s value less the value of any other secured loans or mortgages you have registered against it). Our investor’s are less concerned with your current employment situation, credit rating, or other liquid assets. Most of these loans are for one year term and are used to bridge to better times. They can be part of a debt consolidation strategy, quick access to funds for investment, a medical emergency, or almost anything else.

In many cases our investors will determine your property’s value without requiring you pay for an appraisal upfront. Give us a call today, or Apply Online, we would be pleased to review your situation and provide you with a Quick and Easy solution when you need to follow another path.